
Operation Dragon Strike: US troops launch a massive offensive in Kandahar

Providing Security in Afghanistan

Last week, US and other International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) launched one of the biggest offensives of the Afghanistan War - Operation Dragon Strike - to retake the district of Kandahar, the birthplace of Taliban (video). With more than 8000 troops, including 101st Airborne (my favorite division in the American Military) the forces are trying to clear out Taliban stronghold from Kandahar.

What this mission highlights is the fact that nine years into the war, US forces are still not in control of the second-largest city in Afghanistan. It should be realized that since 1994 Kandahar has been the life source for Taliban. Moreover, because of this weak point in the ISAF control of the country, the Afghan government has been unable to secure the Kabul-Kandahar Highway, the most critical transportation link in this war-torn nation. Until few months ago only a Canadian force of 3000 was operating in the city, which could hardly control Taliban influence from the region. 

To top it all off, the mission is turning into a classic military failure, although it will be hailed as a victory. Taliban, warned of this operation months in advance through Pentagon press department, have apparently already left the area. The ISAF troops, meeting no resistance, are likely to hail the mission as a victory and Kandahar cleared of the Taliban. However, they will fail to destroy the enemy forces, which is a much more important objective in counter-insurgency than acquiring territory. Additionally, if the past record is any measure, once successful, the US troops will leave the city to be policed by a small force. Then there is little doubt that the Taliban will soon return.

Image Credit: isafmedia

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