
Musharraf reveals terrible secrets...Nobody cares

Today, Pakistan's former military dictator President Pervez Musharraf revealed a shocking secret, admitting that Pakistani Government was involved in training of terrorists operating in India! The statement which caught the attention of everyone for all of two minutes evoked the sarcastic remarks like "oh really?" and "we had no idea."

In the past month, Musharraf has made several other revelations including the possibility of a coup in Pakistan and the secret deal that he had made with Bhutto drop the charges against her husband, Zardari, while he was in power. All these revelations have made a very small dent in the public consciousness primarily because everyone already knew about them.

Why does the ex-general suddenly feel so chatty? A fortnight ago, Musharraf announced his plans to launch a political party in Pakistan based on the overwhelming response he has received from his followers on Facebook (*snicker*). Since then almost everyone in Pakistani politics including low profile politicians have written him off. Moreover, the media (especially the South Asian media) is practically showing no interest in his vision for the Pakistani political future. Hence, the strategy to grab headlines. 

May be someone should mention to him that until his shocking revelations give out more information that my barber, nobody would care.

Image Source: Wikimedia

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