French revolutionary, Antoine de Saint-Just once said, “To dare: that is the whole secret of revolutions.” Well, the people of Egypt have dared.
Anger that burned Mohamed Bouazizi – a Tunisian fruit vendor, no less – to ashes has now engulfed millions across the Arab world. Millions are out in streets of Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, Jordan and many other nations, demanding a change – a change to better their lives. Men of power, who have been used to obedience and subservience for decades, see the fabric of their authority unraveling in front of their eyes. Outside their palaces and headquarters, men and women have assumed the label of “general populace,” devoid of any religious or ideological beliefs. It is as if the entire complex and intricate network of titles, professions, allegiances and beliefs that hold a country together has been suspended until further notice.
The spectacle of these protests has been nothing short of awesome. The passion and excitement of Egyptians, which exudes promise of a Brave New World can be felt by anyone, no matter how far away one is from Middle East. It is a promise that people - not armies, political parties, corporations, interest groups, alliances, positions, wealth or religion but just people, naked of all the paraphernalia – do matter.
Of course, tomorrow, a week from now or may be a month later, the protests will be over. May be the dictatorships will go away silently into the night, to be replaced by new ones almost instantly; maybe they won’t. May be decade-long civil wars will begin; may be a few executions will suffice to return to order. And yes, maybe, just maybe, the unthinkable will happen and a just and effective leader will actually emerge.
And then: There will be geo-strategic and regional power balances to worry about. New political coalitions will have to be built and ethnic electorates will have to be considered. Careers, petty feuds, love affairs will once again take precedence over the revolution. Status quo, wearing new clothing or the same old garb, will return.
But till it returns, let us revel in the thrill of witnessing something incredible. Something that is extremely rare. A manifestation of chaos inspired by millions in a completely spontaneous fashion, expressing rage, hope and frustration- a true people’s revolution.
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