
Monthly Wrap-up: January 2011

Here is a quick summary of what you may have missed the last month:

The World. The protests that flared up in the entire Arab World, fuelled by the rising food prices, ended up creating a real possibility that Hosni Mubarak’s 29-year-old dictatorship in Egypt may come to an end. A US Military unit in Afghanistan bombed an entire village into oblivion. A suicide attack in Moscow Airport may weaken Putin’s political position. Chinese test of a new stealth fighter left US at loss for any official words

South Asia. In Nepal, the UN Mission, which was supposed to keep a check on Nepal’s two armies, was kicked out of the country. In India argument raged on whether or not to create the new state of Telengana, which may lead to Naxalism resurgence in that part of the country. And India continued to refuse to stand up to China.

Features. Umm… A funny one was the Top 10 Insanities of 2010 World Politics and another was 6 Suggestion to (unbelievably stupid) Right-Wing Terrorists in India. And then there was my sentimental note on the Egyptian Protests.

Hope you had a good month.

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